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Support the Operation Papa Noël

What does this NGO do? Around Christmas time, a lot of children are spoiled. But unfortunately Father Christmas forgets to visit some families who can’t afford a present for their children. And it is here that the Operation Papa Noël helps. They make sure children in need receive a small gift on the 25th of December. 

Why do we support this charity? As a family we understand how important it is to be with all your loved ones at Christmas. We also believe that every child deserves a magical Christmas, whatever the situation of the parents may be. That’s why we help the elves of Operation Papa Noël by donating part of every purchase made in our webshop. 

Make sure everyones enjoys a McXmas

M4434 - McXmas tartan M4434 - McXmas tartan
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M4415 - Checkered green & red M4415 - Checkered green & red

How can you contribute? 

Do you want to give every child a memorable Christmas? The only thing you have to do is buy your favourite boxers, swimshorts, pyjamas, t-shirts or shorties in our webshop and we will donate to the Operation Papa Noël organization.